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HomehowtosPC Is Running Slow? Why (Causes And Solutions in 2020)

PC Is Running Slow? Why (Causes And Solutions in 2020)

When we buy a new PC, we got amazed by the performance and speed it has, and we get absolutely happy about everything we can do with it. Unfortunately, this happiness and conformity only last for a certain period, since after a certain time we will begin to notice that the PC is Running Slow.

In this sense, many users think that the PC is slow due to the wear and tear of the physical parts of the computer, that is to say, that the hard drives or plates inside the device suffer from use, however, this is from reality since these components are designed to last for years without causing problems.

The main reason for a computer to start running slow is none other than us users, who with our bad habits and customs demand and force the computer to do all kinds of things without the slightest care. However, there are also other reasons, it is not a matter of blaming only the user. In order for a computer to run fast, it is also necessary to add Bloatware, junk files, and other software such as antivirus and firewalls to the equation.

In this article, we will know some tricks and solutions to avoid and fix the slow PC problem, to obtain the same performance that it had when we bought it.

Why My PC Is Running Slow?

The scenario is repeated day after day in all corners of the world. We just bought a beautiful computer with the latest hardware, lots of storage, and RAM. But after a few months, performing a simple task like running any of the Office applications like Excel or Word becomes incredibly slow and heavy. As we mentioned above, it is easy to blame the hardware, but we as users have a lot of blame, for not taking any precautions when using the computer, in many cases installing dubious software and not performing any kind of maintenance.

The fundamental key to avoiding performance problems with a computer, that is, that the PC becomes slow, is to be careful with the software that we install in the first instance and have a defined maintenance scheme. If we take these tips into account, most likely we will no longer have performance problems on the PC.

Tricks to Speed Up a Slow PC

Basically, the problem of why a PC is slow can be divided into two parts: The first is the software that we have installed on the PC and the second is our own carelessness and lack of maintenance.

Regarding the first point, it is well known that with each program that we install, dozens or maybe hundreds of files are also installed, necessary for the program to work correctly. Keys are also installed in the registry and shortcuts, among many other elements, known at this point of uselessness as junk files.

All these elements, once we stop using the program, or uninstall it, most likely continue in the system, causing slowness and instability. Other programs that cause slowness on a PC are antivirus, which in almost all cases are true resource-eaters.

Also the Bloatware that we have installed on the PC is another more than important problem when it comes to limiting the performance of a PC. Remember that Bloatware is software that comes installed on new computers, and that generally does not offer any advantage to the tools that the operating system incorporates.

If we want our PC to stop being slow, and give it back the performance it had when we just bought it, the best thing we can do is follow the tricks to speed up a PC that are detailed below.

Uninstall Bloatware and programs we don’t need

As we mentioned, almost all new computers come with a certain type of software installed, known as Bloatware, and that most of them are completely useless or have a function similar to that offered by one of the operating system tools. Here is a good article on how to Uninstall Bloatware from your system.

The best way to speed up a slow PC is to uninstall them, along with any other software that we do not use or that we will not need at all.

For this, we have a tool available, which we can get to by doing the following:

 Step 1: In Windows 10 we click on “Settings”, then “System” and finally “Applications and features”. In other Windows, we move to the Control Panel and then click on “Programs and Features.”

programs and features windows 10

 Step 2: Once in this section, in the right panel, we will find the list with the apps installed on the computer.

Step 3: At this point, it is just a matter of clicking on the ones we want to delete and pressing on “Uninstall”.

Find An Antivirus That Doesn’t Consume As Many Resources

It is well known that antivirus programs are not only very annoying with their notifications and warnings, but they are also great consumers of resources. Almost no antivirus escapes this definition.

One of the antiviruses that escape from this description is Microsoft Defender, which in addition to including virus definition updates almost daily, is not annoying and perfectly fulfills its task. But the most important thing is that it does not consume a significant amount of resources to freeze a computer. Another point in its favor is that it is a free antivirus and it is included with Windows.

Disable Programs That Load At Windows Startup

Another very important problem that is capable of slowing down the computer faster is the issue of programs that load at Windows startup, that is, those programs that automatically run when we turn on the PC.

Disable Programs That Load At Windows Startup

In the event that we have many of these programs running at Windows startup, the result is obviously that the PC will take much longer to load the operating system and be ready to work.

However, we cannot eliminate them all, since we could eliminate without knowing a driver or program necessary to use certain hardware. That is why at this point we must be careful, and look for information on the Internet about each program, which will take a little time, but with which we will avoid many headaches.

To disable the programs that run at Windows startup, we must follow the steps mentioned below:

 Step 1: Click on “Start” or on the search bar in Windows 10 and enter the following text:


Step 2: Once Msconfig runs, click on the “Services” tab and remove all those that are unnecessary, according to the research we have previously carried out.

Step 3: After that, click on the “Windows Start” tab and carry out the same procedure, also taking into account what we have searched for on the Internet.

Step 4: Once we have deactivated the services and applications that run at startup, click on “OK”, and then restart the PC for the changes to take effect.


These steps will surely boost your PC’s performance and Startup time. Try to delete all the unnecessary programs which are running in your PC background. Also, open a few or some on the software necessary while working. Pay close attention on your RAM and where it is been consumed. This all will help us get an answer to “Why my PC Is Running Slow”. If you have some good suggestions, mentioned it in the comments section.

Sahil Shah
Sahil Shahhttps://downloadshah.com
Sahil Shah is B.E passed out. He loves to write and do experiments with online tools, software, and games. He is an expert tech writer for 10+ years. He is a part-time scientist as well. Eating, and being online at night is what he usually does.


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