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HomehowtosHow To Speed Up Computer Having Windows 10

How To Speed Up Computer Having Windows 10

[As everyone knows, Windows 10 offers its default settings that is perfect for its users around the world. Once we still download files and install software, the performance in our systems decreases in a steady rate. By doing a bit of fine adjustments in Windows 10 settings, we are able to enhance the efficiency in our systems.#

A few of the methods that’ll make Speed Up Computer Having Windows 10 are listed below:

Use Disk Cleanup to get rid of undesirable files

Step One: – Search Disk cleanup searching box of taskbar.

Step Two: – Now, click it to spread out it. Now, choose the drive you need to clean.

Step Three: – Watch for couple of seconds because it will analyse the disk.

Step Four: – Now. select all files and press OK.

Disable Background Apps

Visit Settings -> Privacy -> Background apps and disable all undesirable apps running in background consuming your precious data and CPU.

Disable Startup Programs

Step One – To begin with open task manager by pressing Ctrl Shift Esc.

Step Two – Then click startup tab.

Step Three – Now, right click any program or application which you need to disable on startup.

Delete Undesirable temp files

Step One – Right click home windows icon in your taskbar.

Step Two – Click Run. Alternatively, you may also press home windows key R to create run command box.

Step Three – Now, type %temp% in run command box striking enter.

Step Four – Now, delete all files within this folder

Step Five – Now, again right click home windows key and then click run.

Step Six – Now, type temp in run command box striking enter.

Step 7 – Now, delete all of the files within this temp folder also.

Delete Prefetch files

Step One – Right click windows 10 taskbar and then click run in the menu

Step Two – Now, type prefetch within the text field striking enter.

Step Three – Now, delete all of the files within this folder also.

Hide all Non-Microsoft services

Step One – Right click windows 10 taskbar and then click run.

Step Two – Now, write msconfig within the run command box and press enter.

Step Three -Now, click services tab.

Step Five – Now, press Ok.

Adjust system for the best performance

This process helps you to remove unnecessary options that come with laptop computer including animations along with other visual effects.

Step One:

Right Click “This PC” icon on Desktop. Click “Properties” to see “System Settings” window.

Step Two:

Click “Advanced System Settings”.

Step Three: Under “Advanced” settings, click “settings” below Performance section.

Step Four: Choose “Visual Effects” tab section.

After which Choose Adjust for the best performance.

Step Four – Now, look into the option saying hide all microsoft services.

Step Five: Click “OK” to verify to use your changes.

Edit registry for mouse and menu delay settings

Step One – Right click home windows key and then click run.

Step Two -Type regedit striking enter.

Step Three – Once registry editor home windows open, browse towards the following location.


User Interface


Step Four – Now, Double click MouseHoverTime in the right side.

Step Five – Now, change value data to 10.

Here few methods you can Speed Up Computer Having Windows 10.

Sahil Shah
Sahil Shah
Sahil Shah is B.E passed out. He loves to write and do experiments with online tools, software, and games. He is an expert tech writer for 10+ years. He is a part-time scientist as well. Eating, and being online at night is what he usually does.


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